Membership Qualifications
Lodging establishments, companies, and organizations involved in accommodation-related businesses, or individuals who endorse JARC’s objectives.
*A Lodging Establishment Supporter is an establishment that has been approved under the Ryokan Business Law (of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare)
Member Benefits
We offer the following services to our members.
JARC’s activities and the latest event updates are always available on this website.
Corporate Members
Providing opportunities for interaction among members and lodging businesses in each region | ◯ |
Newsletter publications which offer the latest industry information and trends | ◯ |
Invitation to JARC-sponsored seminars, symposiums, and lectures at discounted rates for members | ◯ |
Participation in product exhibitions and business meetings held throughout Japan | ◯ |
Support for developing promising young talent to lead the next generation | ◯ |
Publishing information about member company services on JARC’s website | ◯ |
Admission to member-only events such as social gatherings with experts, domestic and international study tours, and other events | ◯ |
A Lodging Establishment Supporter
Providing opportunities for interaction among members and lodging businesses in each region | ◯ |
Newsletter publications which offer the latest industry information and trends | ◯ |
Invitation to JARC-sponsored seminars, symposiums, and lectures at discounted rates for members | ◯ |
Participation in product exhibitions and business meetings held throughout Japan | ◯ |
Support for developing promising young talent to lead the next generation | ◯ |
Publishing information about member company services on JARC’s website | ◯ |
Admission to member-only events such as social gatherings with experts, domestic and international study tours, and other events | ◯ |
Individual Supporter
Providing opportunities for interaction among members and lodging businesses in each region | ◯ |
Newsletter publications which offer the latest industry information and trends | ◯ |
Invitation to JARC-sponsored seminars, symposiums, and lectures at discounted rates for members | ◯ |
Participation in product exhibitions and business meetings held throughout Japan | ◯ |
Support for developing promising young talent to lead the next generation | ◯ |
Admission to member-only events such as social gatherings with experts, domestic and international study tours, and other events | ◯ |

Membership fee
Corporate Members | ¥30,000 / year |
Lodging Establishment Supporters | ¥20,000 / year |
Individual Supporters | ¥10,000 / year |
・Group company headquarters are also enrolled under the Corporate Member category.
・The annual membership fee is valid for one year, beginning in April of each year. Members joining from October will be charged half the above rate.
・Memberships are automatically renewed unless prior notice of withdrawal is received.
・There are no refunds for mid-year withdrawals.
Japan Accommodation Related Consortium (hereinafter, "JARC") has established the JARC's bylaws as the rules and regulations for its members.
(JARC’s Goals)
Article 1. JARC's purpose, as stipulated in Article 3 of the Articles of Association, is to create a platform (a forum for discussion) for lodging facilities, companies, organizations, and individuals involved in the lodging business to convene, learn, and deliberate together to transcend boundaries and develop Japan's lodging establishments into dynamic, world-class businesses.
(Member Recruitment)
Article 2. JARC recruits members to achieve the objectives described in the preceding article.
(Membership Types)
Article 3. JARC's members consist of the following:
① Lodging Establishment Supporters: Individuals or corporations who operate or manage lodging establishments registered under the Ryokan Business Law and have become members in endorsement of JARC’s purpose and objectives.
② Corporate members: Businesses (including corporations and sole proprietorships) that have become members in endorsement of JARC's purpose and objectives.
③ Individual Supporters: Individuals who have become members in endorsement of JARC's purpose and objectives.
2. Individuals such as academic or industry experts with special knowledge and expertise may be recommended by a member or director and approved by the Board of Directors to serve as advisors with qualifications equivalent to those of members.
3. Corporate Members that have made meritorious contributions to JARC's activities may be treated as special members following the recommendation of a member or a director and with the approval of the Board of Directors.
(Membership Regulations)
Article 4. Members shall abide by the following rules:
① Members should strive to cultivate mutual friendships.
② When introducing their own products and services, members shall do so in designated methods such as JARC's trade shows, product presentations, exhibitions, and lectures.
③ Members may only engage in business negotiations with prior request or agreement from the relevant counterparty.
(Membership Fee)
Article 5. Membership fees are as follows:
① Corporate member Annual membership fee ¥30,000
② Lodging Establishment Supporters Annual membership fee ¥20,000
③ Individual Supporters Annual membership fee ¥10,000
(Payment Obligations)
Article 6. Members must pay the annual membership fees for the following fiscal year within the relevant fiscal year.
2. Members who fail to pay their fees at the beginning of a new fiscal year will be considered Members in Arrears of Annual Dues.
(Becoming a Member)
Article 7. Membership can be acquired upon completing the designated application form and submitting it to JARC's Secretariat (hereinafter, "Secretariat") and paying the first year's annual membership fee.
(Membership Withdrawal)
Article 8. Members may withdraw their membership at any time upon request. Corporate Members may withdraw their memberships only upon the company representative's request or upon the request of the person who registered the company with JARC.
2. In the event of the death of an Individual Supporter or the dissolution or declaration of bankruptcy of a Corporate Member.
Article 9. Members will be expelled if any of the following cases:
① In the event that the Board of Directors finds the member to have committed an act detrimental to JARC's integrity and is deemed unfit to serve as a member.
② When a member fails to pay the annual membership fee for three years.
③ If the member is discovered to be a member, part, or supporter of a violent or antisocial organization or their members.
2. JARC will not, under any circumstances, refund any fees paid to the association by the expelled member, including annual dues, entry fees, and other payments.
(Suspension of Eligibility)
Article 10. The following will result in the suspension of membership and deny the member the rights and benefits thereof.
① Members with outstanding dues as per Article 6, Clause 2.
② Members who, in violation of Article 4, receive complaints from other members and fail to remedy the situation even after warnings from the Secretariat.
(Reinstatement of Eligibility)
Article 11. Suspended members may have their membership reinstated upon payment of a reinstatement fee equivalent to three years' annual dues.
(Member Rights)
Article 12. Members have the following rights:
① Free subscription to the newsletter
② Right to participate and open booths at JARC sponsored events
③ Right to view the membership list
④ Right to use JARC and JARC-affiliated facilities.
(Bylaw Revisions)
Article 13. These bylaws may be revised at any time at the discretion of JARC's Board of Directors.
(Bylaw Enforcement)
Article 14. If the bylaws contain provisions contrary to the Articles of Association or other laws and regulations, the provisions of the Articles of Association or laws and regulations shall take precedence.